If you’re struggling with the registration process this might help (Step one has 2 options, TORC or IMCC):
Step 1 CLUB MEMBERSHIP. If you already have Club membership go to step 2, if you’re not already a club member then you could do worse than the IMCC for €20 or TORC for €30…either one will do ya. (see below):
Option (1) TORC Offroad Motorcycle Club… €30 : ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FORM: HERE
—————————- OR—————————-
Option (2) IMCC (Irish MotorCycle Club) Membership application details below: Click to download: CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM
Complete and return the form with a typed signature (link below) by email, (again referencing Touring NationalRally) to:
IMCC: Pay €20 to Micheal Whyte referencing: Touring National Rally by either Revolut: @micheaw5d6 or Credit Transfer to: IBAN: IE49AIBK93323676591013
Step 2 PARTICIPATION PASS. Go to MCI Forms website page: https://motorcyclingireland.ie/online-forms/ and choose either “Non-Competition Touring, Veteran and Vintage Participant Pass” for the Touring National Rally type of event.
Step 3 Event Registration. The 2 Day Event fee is €20 payable through Revolut @irishmcc or Credit Transfer (EVENT) IBAN: IE71 REVO 9903 6086 8752 77 BIC: REVOIE23
making reference to your name and the word EVENT. Finally, go to https://www.bikerun.club/nral/riders/register.php and fill out the form (CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER). You will receive confirmation of successful registration.